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Spoof ads

Creating spoof advertisements is a fun exercise to test both critical analysis and creative expression skills of students. The goal is to reconstruct an ad delivering a more truthful or constructive message through altered images, words, or visual techniques.


A spoof as project will ask students to consider a brand or product that they use or know of, and look deeper into its production and consumption. Why does is the Internet connection in the country remain below par while SMART Telecom affords to provide free Facebook access to its users? SM Supermalls claims that they "got it all," does this include the proper wages and rights of its employees? Why is it that ads of alcoholic beverages always make use of girls in bikinis as their endorsers? Not all spoof ads can address multiple questions. 


In fact, many of the most effective ads make a single, simple point that sticks in the mind. The goal of this activity is to demonstrate an understanding that ads tell ½ truths about products; to increase awareness that ads are designed to deliver specific messages to consumers; and to address issues of social justice and consumer awareness.

Rubrics for evaluating Spoof Advertisements


Message: What is the spoof ad trying to say? Is it clear? Can it be easily understood by its target audience?


Concept: How significant are the ideas presented in the spoof ad? How are these relevant to understanding media and advertising?


Creativity: How effective are the techniques applied to parodize the advertisement? Is it witty or persuasive?


Visual Impact: How effective was the editing executed? Does the design technique fit the advertisement?


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